- The knife set with knife set block resistants to scratch and corrosion The knife set surface titanium coating is resistant to corrosion and scratch. There will be no problems such as dye falling off, food safety and aesthetic problem caused by scratching on the knife s surface.
- The knife set with knife set block resistants to rust and stains – Stainless steel kitchen knife set with knife set block is resistant to rust and stains. The knife set with knife set block Provides the user with a lot of strength and knife hardness and makes it the best choice for tougher jobs.
- The knife set with knife set block is excellent sharp and long edge retention – The precision edge technology enhances the kitchen knife set with knife set block sharpness and long sharp edge retention.
- The knife set with knife set block is better flexible – A special process is used to guarantee the quality of wanbasion kitchen knife set with knife set block, which is more flexible. so the kitchen knife set is hard to bend and break.
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